A barely functional heap of denim and red sherpa.


I’m a self-taught artist with far too much time on his paws. Your local trans furry. That strange guy on Twitter who never shuts up about Tarte Tatin Cookie. Possibly your new best friend. I’m a lot of things, but I’m Vix before all that!


IRLs go away. You could not be less welcome here.
• Folks under 15 are pretty strongly discouraged from following and interacting, especially on AO3 and Twitter. There are just things I don’t want to expose to a younger audience. Mostly a metric fuck ton of swears, but, you know… suggestive jokes and mature themes too.
Sometimes I open requests on my Twitter, look out for those!
• I don't often use tone indicators, and likely will not start unless you directly ask me to clarify tone.
I'm an established multishipper, yes. I have questionable taste, yes. I am, however, not a proshipper and never will be. Miss me w/ that shit.
• My interests can change very abruptly. You’re best off following because you like my groove, not because of a specific character or media.
I can be picky about who I follow/who I let follow me, and I sb pretty leniently. Please don’t mistake this for ill intent, 99% of the time its for your sake.
• Related to the above statement, if I remove you as a follower don't?? follow me again??? It's weird and creepy and I can't believe I even have to say this.
I'm chill. I promise. If I say something that makes anyone uncomfortable, if I follow someone problematic, just tell me. I purposefully avoid drama, so I tend to be out of touch. Don’t equate this to willingly supporting shitty people or purposely being a shitty person myself.
I’m aware that can’t police how you use the internet. Not gonna set any hard rules or DNIs or anything to follow or break. Just know what you’re getting into, lol


Full price upfront; through PayPal, Venmo, or Ko-fi.


Splash art
Kemonomimi and anthro


Mecha and robots
Body horror and heavy gore
Detailed/complex weapons or props
Hate speech or discriminatory art
Animations and complex GIFs

I reserve the right to refuse a commission if I think I cannot complete it sufficiently, am uncomfortable with the content, or any other reason. I will try my best to direct you to someone else, not that’s not a guarantee.
I strongly encourage you to bring at least one image, but it’s not required.
Extra charges (backgrounds, props, extra characters, etc.) aren’t at a flat rate & can be discussed.



Bust . . . . . . . . $12 USD
Half body . . . $18 USD
Full body . . . .$25 USD


Bust . . . . . . . . $18 USD
Half body . . . $25 USD
Full body . . . .$30 USD


Bust . . . . . . . . $40 USD
Half body . . . $50 USD
Full body . . . . $65 USD


(Fandoms, interests, misc. info)

Idk just general stuff about me that I think is important for you to know.

• You can call me either Vixen, Vix, V, or any of my usernames.
I use he/him pronouns.
• I'm a student, so my online activity varies a lot over the course of the year. I get hella active in the Summer/early Autumn and then vanish during Winter and Spring lol.
I'm genderqueer and bisexual, but it only really comes up in necessary conversations. Just putting it here so no one thinks I'm randomly and unjustly using the trans card in an argument or some shit.
• I have AuDHD, and it does affect how I interact with people and engage with the media I enjoy.

I tend to change fandoms rapidly, but cyclically. Italicized items mark the things I'm currently posting about.

Cookie Run: Kingdom
• Elysium (original work)
• God of War
• League of Legends
• Steven Universe
Red Dead Redemption 2
• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
• The Witcher
• Transformers (IDW comics + G1)
• Voltron: Legendary Defender

I try to gear my public accounts towards fandom, but I do talk about my interests sometimes. If anything on this list rocks your boat, idk lol.

• Fantasy creatures and folklore
• Firearms
• History! Specifically maritime history and late medieval history.
• Linguistics+etymology
• Pirates :D both historical buccaneers and fictional pirates

Originally this was in the interests section but I listen to too much music to do that to myself. I get very heated about my faves very quickly and I go on tangents a LOT.
I make character playlists too :)

Folk - The Amazing Devil, Ruston Kelly, First Aid Kit, Noah Kahan, Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, Crooked Still, Tophouse, The Oh Hellos
Country - Brandi Carlile, Colter Wall, Sturgill Simpson, Zach Bryan
Rock - Cold War Kids, Those Who Dream, Shark Earrings, Fall Out Boy
Misc. - Kate Douglas, Shayfer James, Bear McCreary, Cosmo Sheldrake, Coyote Kid, The Family Crest